Elementary Health


Coolidge Health Office Fax 607-762-8396      Franklin Health Office Fax 607-762-8393
Jefferson Health Office Fax 607-763-8436     McArthur Health Office Fax 607-762-6067
Mann Health Office Fax 607-762-8394          Roosevelt Health Office Fax 607-762-8395
Wilson Health Office fax 607-763-8448


Physical Examinations

The following students are required to have a current physical on file in the health office at your child’s school include the following:

Any students:

new to the district

grades PreK, K, 1, 3, and 5

referred to Special Services may also need to have a current exam.

If your child has had a recent physical, please contact their provider to have a copy sent to the school health office. If they have not had a physical, please contact their provider for an appointment, and notify the health office of this date. 

The students listed above, who do not have a physical on file, will be scheduled for one with the school provider. If the health office has not received their physical form by October 10, they will be scheduled for one with the school provider.

(Physicals completed within one (1) year from the date of the start of school are considered current.)

Students attending Franklin or Roosevelt, also have the option of having their physical with the school-based health center in their building.

Roosevelt -UHS School-Based Health Center 607-762-6012

Franklin-UHS School-Based Health Center 607-762-6017

Health Exam Form (PDF)

IMMUNIZATIONS requirements:

Students in Pre-K - grade 5 are required to have a specific number of doses of a variety of immunizations on file in the health office to attend school. The vaccine types and doses vary according to grade.

Immunization requirements

One exception is allowed at this time:

Medical exemption- the student’s medical provider must verify, each year, what vaccines they are exempt from, and why they should be considered exempt from this vaccine(s).

In the event that there is an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable illness in your child’s school, your child will be required to remain out of school, for their health, until 14 days after the last reported case of illness.


Students are required to participate in physical education. If your child has a medical condition, injury, or illness preventing them from participation, an excuse from their medical provider is required.
If a long-term or permanent modification is needed, the provider should complete the physical education medical form.
The school health office may only excuse a student from physical education for one (1) day without a physician’s order.

Medical Exemption form pdf


Fever- if your child has had a fever, they should remain home from school until they have been without fever for 24 hours- without medication. This allows for the possibility of the return of the fever and gives the body time to rest and repair before returning to school, and possible exposure to other illnesses in a weakened state.

Vomiting/diarrhea- any child that has either of these in the evening or early morning, should not come to school that morning. If there is an underlying medical condition that is the cause of either of these problems, please contact your school’s health office.


The Diet Prescription for Meals at School Form is used for students with special dietary needs involving school food service. Without this form fully completed by a licensed Health Care Provider, a dietary request for a student may not be fulfilled. If the form is not returned, the allergy is not listed on the foodservice computer and the cafeteria staff will not be alerted to the allergy when the student comes through the cafeteria line. This could lead to unnecessary exposure to an allergen.

After the form is completed by the Health Care Provider and returned to the school, the order does not need to be renewed on a yearly basis unless there are changes to the student’s diet. Once the school receives the request, it will forward the diet prescription to the BOCES dietitian. If you have questions regarding the form, please call your child's school or call BOCES, at 607-766-3937, or email:jraway@btboces.org(Julie Raway, MPH, RDN, CND, SNS

Diet form pdf


If your child has a dental exam, you may take the form below to be completed at the time of their visit. This is optional, and not required for them to attend school.

Dental form pdf


Please contact the school health office, or your medical provider if you have any questions or concerns.

Common diseases and their signs/symptoms. H-57


ANY medications that a student requires at school should be brought to the school health office by an adult. This includes over-the-counter medications. An order is required from their medical provider, and should also be signed by the parent/guardian.

A student may only carry medication on their person if approved by their medical provider and the school health office.

Medication form pdf