Support for Remote Learning

Continuous Instruction for Quarantined Students

 We hope you are feeling well and miss you while you are not with us in the building!  To continue learning while out, please utilize the information below. 

Accessing Classroom Learning: Your teacher’s Google Classroom site should be the first choice for accessing classroom-specific work while you are not in the building.

ELA Live Support: Three days per week, our district will offer live support in ELA for quarantined students in Grades K-5.  These will be grade-level skill-building sessions connected to the content offered by the classroom teacher. 

Grades K-5 ELA Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Math Instruction:

  • In addition to classwork provided through Google Classroom, students should spend at least 20-30 minutes per day on iReady (available for log-in through My Apps)

Additional ELA and Math Support:

Physical Education Learning Activities:

Library Learning Activities:


Art Learning Activities:

Music Learning Activities: